Recent rumors have circulated about Zenglen’s vocalist Frerot potentially joining Tabou Combo, especially after he was invited to sing four songs on their upcoming CD. While this collaboration initially fueled speculation that Frerot would be a permanent addition to Tabou, it now appears that he may not be joining the band after all. Given this uncertainty, many believe that Tabou should carefully consider its approach to maintain the respect of both its fans and the broader Haitian Music Industry (HMI).

Tabou’s decision to feature Frerot on four tracks of their new album seemed to align with the assumption that he would be joining their ranks. However, if Frerot remains with Zenglen, the inclusion of multiple songs by an active member of another prominent band might be viewed as controversial. In the interest of fairness and maintaining their long-standing reputation, some suggest that Tabou should limit Frerot’s contributions on the album, perhaps keeping just one song.

The concern is that if all four tracks featuring Frerot remain, it could give the impression that Tabou is capitalizing on the success of Zenglen’s lead vocalist to boost their own album. Some fans may interpret this as an attempt to leverage Frerot’s rising popularity for their own benefit, which could be seen as undermining Zenglen’s efforts in developing Frerot’s career. After all, it was Zenglen’s maestro Richie who played a significant role in bringing Frerot to the forefront of the HMI.

At its core, this situation is about maintaining balance and respect within the industry. Tabou Combo, one of the most respected and established Haitian bands globally, doesn’t need to rely on the momentum of another group’s success. As such, limiting Frerot’s contribution to a single track would allow Tabou to honor their collaboration without overshadowing their own talent or the contributions of Zenglen.

Ultimately, Tabou Combo has built a legacy over the years that has earned them a loyal following. Ensuring that they handle this situation with care will help preserve that legacy. Fans are watching closely, and by making thoughtful decisions, Tabou can continue to uphold the integrity that has defined their long-standing success.

In the end, it’s not just about releasing an album—it’s about maintaining the respect and admiration of the fans and the entire HMI.

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