Despite Frerot, co-vocalist of Zenglen, recently stating that everything is stable within the band, rumors about his dissatisfaction continue to intensify within the Haitian Music Industry (HMI). So, what’s driving these persistent whispers?

It appears that behind-the-scenes discussions are adding fuel to the speculation. Following a recent off-air interview at a radio station in Spring Valley, a member of another group—rumored to be interested in Frerot’s services—allegedly shared that Frerot is unhappy with his treatment in Zenglen, furthering the narrative of discontent.

A source close to Zenglen refuted the idea of “mistreatment,” though they acknowledged that Frerot might feel overshadowed as the second vocalist in the group, especially when compared to Reginald Cangé.

“Frerot likely feels he’s being treated as the second vocalist, which is understandable,” the source explained. “Reginald Cangé is more marketable and has a better rapport with Richie, Zenglen’s leader. Reginald is willing to follow Richie’s lead on stage to promote the band, sometimes in ways that push boundaries, while Frerot may be more hesitant. It’s a difference in image and personality, and Reginald’s approach aligns more closely with Richie’s vision for Zenglen.”

As these rumors continue to spread, close associates of the band are reportedly urging Zenglen to have Frerot issue a statement to clarify his position and address the speculation surrounding his potential departure to Tabou Combo. However, it remains uncertain whether Frerot is willing to make such a statement, or if Zenglen’s leadership sees it as necessary at this time.

For now, the rumors remain unresolved, and Frerot’s future with Zenglen is a subject of ongoing discussion in the HMI. Whether he stays with the band or pursues other opportunities remains to be seen.

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