Could party promoter Jean Eddy Bazile have played a role in the ban that prevented Sweet Micky from performing in Boston a few years ago? And did that very decision come back to haunt him at his recent T-Vice/Micky event?

According to sources familiar with the situation, Bazile may have been instrumental in the enforcement of a ban against Sweet Micky in the Boston area. The ban, which surfaced years ago, allegedly stemmed from an incident at a Micky concert, and Bazile’s reported actions at the time made it easier for local authorities to take action against the performer. The issue resurfaced at Bazile’s Christmas event featuring T-Vice and Sweet Micky, when Micky was once again restricted from performing.

Several industry insiders, including individuals within the Micky camp, suggest that Bazile may have had direct involvement in the enforcement of the ban. The promoter allegedly worked with local police, providing them with the necessary information to impose restrictions on Micky after the original incident.

What has raised eyebrows is the claim from Micky’s team that they were unaware of the lingering ban. They were reportedly reassured by Bazile that he had spoken to a police captain who gave the green light for the concert to proceed without issue. However, despite these assurances, the ban remained in effect, preventing Sweet Micky from performing at the venue.

Interestingly, sources within Micky’s camp have also pointed out that the ban was applied at a venue where the artist had never experienced prior trouble, rather than at locations where past incidents had occurred.

The question remains: did Bazile’s actions years ago inadvertently sabotage his own event by failing to lift the ban in time, or was he simply unaware that the restriction still existed?

As speculation swirls, the impact on the T-Vice/Micky event has raised questions about how such situations are handled within the Haitian Music Industry (HMI). Whether the ban was the result of an oversight or a more calculated move, it has become a point of discussion for fans and industry players alike.

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