In a recent turn of events, Kreyol La vocalist Ti Joe has spoken out about why he refused to join Krezi Mizik on stage during a recent bal. Krezi Mizik, which features Ti Joe’s former Konpa Kreyol bandmate David Dupoux, had invited him to come up and sing a song from their former group during the event. However, Ti Joe declined the offer, and he’s now shedding light on the reasons behind his decision.

We spoke with Ti Joe earlier, and he confirmed the situation, explaining why he made the choice not to go on stage. Here’s what he had to say:

Ti Joe’s Response:

“Yes, they did invite me to come up on stage to sing a song with them recently at one of their bals. I refused, and this is why. First, our manager Joubert Charles said NO. Second, whenever I see their manager Fabiola (who used to manage Konpa Kreyol) on the street and say hello, she doesn’t respond. Third, when their whole group came to a recent Dega/Kreyol La bal, they showed up wearing their Dega t-shirts, but when it was time for Kreyol La to perform, they got up and left.”

A Complicated History

The tension between Ti Joe and Krezi Mizik is evident, and it appears that past history with both the band and their management may have played a role in his refusal to collaborate on stage. Ti Joe’s refusal comes as no surprise to those familiar with the dynamics between former bandmates and managers, but it has certainly raised eyebrows within the Haitian music community.

While Ti Joe’s reasons seem deeply rooted in personal and professional grievances, fans are left wondering if this rift between Kreyol La and Krezi Mizik will ever be mended or if the animosity will continue to grow.

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