Last night at Marabou Cafe, the air was thick with anticipation and, as it turned out, a palpable tension between Zin’s Nia and Sandra during their performance. While the evening confirmed the longstanding rumors about their discord, it also showcased some memorable musical moments.

The event kicked off with Tantan, who opened with vigor, playing tracks from his latest album including “Pam Pam Pam” and the crowd-pleasing “Ole Ole.” His set extended well into the night, past 2 a.m., captivating the audience but also leaving them eager for Zin’s appearance.

When Zin finally took the stage, the shift in energy was undeniable. Nia, known for her robust stage presence, was in fine form, especially during her interactions with bandmate Alan. However, her dynamic with Sandra was starkly different. Onstage, they seemed like strangers, with Nia completely ignoring Sandra despite her attempts to engage. This lack of acknowledgment was so evident that it felt as though they were performing in separate bands.

The tension reached its peak during Nia’s performance of “Pa Okipe Li” with Alan, during which Sandra was noticeably absent from the stage. Similarly, when Sandra performed, both Alan and Nia seemed to vanish, leaving her to handle the stage alone. There were brief moments when Alan appeared to bridge the gap between the two vocalists, but these attempts were fleeting and largely unsuccessful.

Despite the awkward interactions, the band managed to deliver a strong setlist including hits like “Yereswa,” the teasing intro of “Chokola,” “Nannan,” “Hasta la Vista,” and “Pa Okipe Li.” The crowd responded enthusiastically to the music, if not the drama, making the evening a success in terms of entertainment.

The venue was dotted with VIPs, many of whom are artists themselves. Observing them, one could not help but notice that their focus seemed more on enjoying the night out rather than producing new music, perhaps explaining why some have been quiet on the music front recently.

Overall, the party at Marabou Cafe was an eventful one, marked by excellent performances overshadowed by evident personal conflicts within Zin. The night left many wondering about the future of the band’s chemistry and whether the evident rifts can be mended for the sake of the music and their fans.

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