It looks like sparks are flying in the D’Zine camp! The group’s new lead singer, Fifo, has entered the scene, and tensions are running high. With a name so similar to Pipo, it’s no surprise the two aren’t getting along. Critics are already buzzing that Fifo might be the stronger vocalist, leaving Pipo feeling sidelined and a bit envious. The rivalry is heating up as Fifo enjoys the spotlight, and rumors of jealousy are circulating within the camp.

But it’s not just internal drama that’s causing a stir. D’Zine still owes a lingering debt of $500 for the song “Sonje’m.” The songwriter had an agreement with the group, but each time he tries to collect, he’s met with excuses—or worse, threats from D’Zine’s camp to stop pursuing payment. It’s a situation that’s raising eyebrows, but given D’Zine’s track record, it’s not entirely unexpected.

NuLook fans, before you start cheering, there’s another band with unpaid dues. NuLook reportedly has two musicians still waiting to be paid for studio work on their upcoming album. Reaching out to Arly Larivière for answers hasn’t yielded much, with calls going straight to voicemail: “The person you are calling is unavailable right now.” It looks like Arly might stay “unavailable” for the foreseeable future.

With financial issues piling up and internal tensions brewing, both D’Zine and NuLook are in the hot seat. Stay tuned to see how these situations unfold.

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