A heated dispute between Sweet Micky and promoter Jean Eddy Bazile reportedly led to a near riot at a New Jersey bal on Sunday night. According to sources, tensions had been brewing between the two since a performance the night before in Boston, where Sweet Micky was unable to perform due to an alleged ban in the area.

The incident began when Sweet Micky and T-Vice were scheduled to perform in Boston. However, due to the ban, Sweet Micky was reportedly forced to sit out, leaving T-Vice to handle the night’s performance solo. Despite his inability to perform, Sweet Micky still expected to be paid, as he had shown up to honor his contract. Sources suggest that Jean Eddy Bazile—either unaware of the ban or unhappy with the outcome—felt that Sweet Micky should not receive full payment, or perhaps not be paid at all.

This unresolved money dispute set the stage for the escalating tensions at Sunday’s New Jersey bal. When Sweet Micky arrived and prepared to perform, he allegedly told the crowd that he would not begin the show until Bazile paid him for the previous night’s Boston gig. The crowd, growing increasingly frustrated, began to sense that the concert they had come to see—featuring both T-Vice and Sweet Micky—was in jeopardy.

The atmosphere quickly became volatile, with fights breaking out as emotions ran high. In an attempt to avoid further chaos, Bazile reportedly fled the scene, fearing for his safety amid the growing unrest.

Calls have been made to both Jean Eddy Bazile and Sweet Micky for their comments on the matter. As soon as we receive any updates, we will provide further information. Sources also indicate that Sweet Micky has been trying to contact us since the incident, so more details are expected to emerge soon.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing situation.

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