I would like to apologize to Rutshelle and all those affected by our disunity. Frankly, I am moved to see through the media and on social networks all the importance that our fans have given to this cause. Which makes me realize the need to make a clarification for the edification of all those who are interested in the issue.

As you know, just as there is no rose without a thorn, there will be no love without pain.

Rutshelle and I had shared a lot of love in the past, but also, we had experienced a lot of difficulties in life together. Often we argued, raised our voices and even reconciled. With regret we reached a point where our emotions were so strong, that it tended to degenerate into escalation of violence (verbal and even physical).

I want to emphasize to all my fans, that I am not an architect of violence; I am against violence in any form. But in this particular case the persistence and relevance of our verbal escalations almost turned into physical violence that is why I am writing this letter to express my regret and apologize to Rutshelle first, to the fans, to the media, to human rights organizations to Rutshelle’s parents and to my parents and but.

A thousand times again, I apologize to you for these unfortunate incidents.

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