A recent appearance by Roberto Martino, lead vocalist of the popular Haitian band T-Vice, on a Florida radio station has left many fans puzzled over a surprising statement. During the interview, Martino addressed a common question: why doesn’t T-Vice, a group that primarily operates out of Florida, perform more often in the state?

Roberto’s response was one he’s shared with the media before, but it still raised eyebrows. He reportedly stated that T-Vice is, in fact, a Haiti-based band, not a Florida-based one. According to Martino, Florida serves merely as a “point of transit” for the band, making it easier for T-Vice to travel globally from there than from Haiti.

While this explanation may make sense on the surface, it has left some listeners scratching their heads. After all, T-Vice’s members live in Florida year-round, and their home base is undeniably in the Sunshine State. In reality, they spend far more time in Florida than they do in Haiti.

This discrepancy between Martino’s claim and the band’s actual residence has led some to question how T-Vice can be classified as “Haiti-based” when their operations are primarily run out of Florida. The band’s strong presence in the Haitian music scene is undeniable, but their physical base and day-to-day activities seem to tell a different story.

Fans and industry insiders alike are now left wondering if Martino’s comments were more symbolic, referring to the band’s strong cultural ties to Haiti, rather than a literal statement about their location.

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