You’ve heard right! Gazzman will feature three female artists on his upcoming album. The ladies will be singing duets with Gazzman. Recently he was in Best Definition studios with Meilan and Saskya Sky. We’re not sure if they already laid any tracks yet but it’s just a matter of time. The third lady will be non-other than Zouk singer Tina. The album is scheduled for an Easter Release.

Ou bien tande! Gazzman ap prezante twa atis fi sou album li kap vini n. Medam yo pral chante duet ak Gazzman. Dènyèman li te nan Best Definition Studio ak Meilan ak Saskya Sky. Nou pa sèten si yo komanse travay deja, men li jis yon kesyon de tan. Twazyèm dam nan se Zouk chantè Tina. Albom nan gen pou sorti an Arvil.

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