Official Statement from Mia Lopez (

Who ever thought I’d be my own PR representative?

For those of you who know me, I mean really know me, you all know I would have never answered any web board messages about something that concerned me unless it was totally unfair. While in Haiti I stayed abreast of things that were spoken on all the web boards and its unfortunate that on the eve that shares the Live Feed with 11 other websites all of this transpires, making visibility of the issue that much more grandiose. But… on a recent responsive email from Roberto Martino, two things caught my attention as falsities:

“I imed her and a conversation started like usual, two friends sharing their point of views. Ti Michel then entered the conversation talking a lot of crap, i got pissed when they started using sakapfet’s microphone to answer me about a simple conversation we were having online.”


“I respect everyone’s opinion and would never curse out anyone for their point of views m pap janm konsa!”

Here are the facts, only three people know them and I am one of them.

On the second day of Kanaval, just after Djakout Mizik had passed the Sakapfet stand, I went to just give a simple review of what I had seen, at this time Michel Jean-Baptiste (Ti Michel) was sitting on my laptop checking his messages and I said, “Hey while your here lets talk about Krezi and Djakout because they both did so well today” he said no problem. When I gave him the microphone I announced him and said we weren’t going to speak to long but “Ti Michel as the producer of two bands on Champs de Mars tonight how do you feel your groups performed?” As Ti Michel was answering my IM was open because the majority of the night I was receiving IM’s from hundreds of people who wanted shot outs etc… than I noticed Roberto was signed on. In my head I thought “Damn he’s home already?” so when Ti Michel finished saying that Djakout really did well and after Krezi’s sound mishap the first night that he was very satisfied with their performance I turned to the camera and said, “Berto I see that you’re signed on, monche Chapo Ba because yesterday you guys showed a lot of professionalism when PNH asked you to shut down, even though the fans were going crazy you respected it and did your job and that takes a lot. You guys are rocking the place keep it up”

In the midst of that, I turn to Ti Michel and say “well Ti Michel I have to make some comments 1 the lazers that Djakout has are so cool,” He said thank you.. I proceeded to say “I had never seen that before that’s really a nice way to do it with the names of all the sponsors!” a screen on my laptop pops up and its Berto saying “Mia mwen wont – ou pat we menm lazer sa yo sou char panou l’annee pase?” so I typed in while talking to Ti Michel, “No I was in Miami so I never saw them sorry” I closed the window and proceeded to tell Ti Michel that I was extremely impressed with Djakout, knowing that I’m not really a Djakout fan the crowds reaction was extraordinary to me. Ti Michel said thank you and continued to explain how they worked hard this year, in the midst of that a screen once again popped up “Dits Ti Michel fenmen Jyol Li!” when I saw that I quickly closed the screen and warned Berto (on the microphone) that Ti Michel was next to me and could see what he was typing so please refrain from cursing – its unnecessary. If I had sat and typed it to Berto than Ti Michel would have continued to see what he was writing and I didn’t want that.

“Dits Ti Michel se sousou li ye!” is what popped up after that, than it continued and Ti Michel got upset and began to say something to the affect of “Sousou? Roberto if you can back up what you can say nap we nan Samedi a” Than I took off Ti Michel’s microphone and said “Roberto pa nan polemic, ni nan zin ak promoter, producer, ni musician so please Papi just chillax” My screen popped up once again and what was displayed was “Mia mwen wont oui, apa wap pran pou Djakout” I than said, “Berto, from what I personally witnessed my personal opinion is Djakout got the 2nd day, I am entitled to my opinion as was Mike when he said the 1st day went to Kreyol La” That’s when my screen lighted up with three continuous “F..k Y..’s” In caps! So I said… “Papi go drink some water, calm down because I do not deserve those jourman from you Berto, na pale demain” and that’s when I continued to type and stopped the on mic conversation. My IM continued with sum more “Sousou” directed to me about my affiliation with Kaliko Productions and Tropidisc, comments and a “Ou se yon vye Kalanbese, get manman ou – F…k Y.. pi red!” That’s when I closed my laptop.

See I never once said Djakout won the carnival, I said that in my opinion Djakout took the 2nd day… I saw what they did the first day, and unfortunately our cameras weren’t on for the rest of the world to view, but I wanted the public to see what I saw the 1st day and they did that night times 10…

Si mwen menm ki pa yon full blown fanatik Djakout can see how people were enchanted by them, they have people bowing down to them for a mile long with their “Oooohhh Ahhhhh” slogan. Hell, as an eyewitness I can say that’s what I saw. Roberto was already home watching DJkaout from a computer screen and that’s not the same feeling. I never said Djakout se le gaineur du Carnaval, I never said Djakout se met beton an.. I began the convo with Berto, giving him props and congratulating him on a job well done. I praised him and he verbally slaps me in the face?

See what people do not understand is that Mwen pa fache paske Berto rele’m “Kalanbese, Chime, map pran poz media” mwen fache pou kalite F..k Y..’s li di mwen. I don’t understand those Kreyol Jourman but FY is universal.

I never ever meant for anything to be placed publicly because mwen pa nan tout pale ampil sa yo ak musician, I never publicized anything but already was warned by Ti Michel that he was extremely upset and knew it would come out! My premonitions were right because here we are.

If Roberto had just typed an IM Message out of frustration less than 2 hours after performing in Kanaval where adrenalin is still kicking, I would have been over it but he continued the next day with a personal email that said “You think you have a microphone? I will show you who has a bigger microphone”, and he continued in this three paragraph long email that said “If Mia is still on the mic on’s final transmission day that “Pare pou mwen poske bagay yo pap deuce pou Sakapfet!” in the same email he told Mike, he had an hour to call him at home to make sure “Li pran control ti site li!”

See I read the email while I was at Champs de Mars and thought to myself, “Damn! Just cuz I said Djakout was good! All this?” a private email reply would have ended this after I got home, but Berto chose the parcours as his audience to say “Mia wap pran poz journalist men tout moun konne se chime ou ye!” That’s three strikes to my character! Still I remained very calm and said I wouldn’t give his pettiness the time of day.

But on a most Hypocritical statement he says “He would never curse anyone out for their opinion?” ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Roberto Martino???

Oh no honey, you will not receive your “Angel Wings” at cost to me… Never… This
Bi-Polar type of attitude where at times you are cool and at times people have to tip toe around you? I’m not down with that, never was…

I would have never listened to the more than 100 emails, 200 texts and Im’s telling me “Repon Li Mia.. Repon Li” but after reading your statement, Monche ou pap janm jwen mwen ap fe sousou na dada peson moun, especially not you!

Si manman mwen pat banm yon bel edukasyon mwen ta ka di ou kek bagay tout but my name is one that after 8 years in the HMI working hard you have never seen nan zin, nan vye bagay, na tripotay and it will always remain that way..

Me, Mia Lopez, I can sleep well at night because I have no enemies, no envyers, no one that can ever say I blatantly disrespected anyone.. You, so called “Friend” will never be able to say the same.

“The measure of a man is not how strong his bite or how loud his bark but how big he is for admitting his strengths, his weaknesses, his defeats and his mistakes” Mia Lopez
M.I.A. Media, Inc.
Image Management – Public Relations

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