I’m pretty sure by now all of you has put two and two together and realized Laporte Gabriel was the alleged woman beater that spent a couple of nights in jail. Well, it turned out Laporte put a beating on his wife Desire member Clonide Telfort.

The same woman he had a baby with last year and married. I dropped by the beauty salon where she works at to see how to was holding up and to find out if the rumors were true. Clonide reported that it wasn’t her at all, she stated he never put his hands on her and even if that was the case she would never get him arrested.

I was so shocked when she made the bold statement, I didn’t know they still made women like that. Since I was in the sunshine state all weekend I wasn’t able to see Nu Look because they were in New York/East Coast on tour for the weekend. I was told Laporte was there in the flesh but during a song, Mr. Gabriel left the stage and handed his guitar to someone else to play for him and he went for the exit. This is not good at all considering the man’s status. But I don’t support any form of violence and I won’t judge because I wasn’t there and taking into account she flat out denied any domestic violence ever occurred.

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