Rumors are swirling about potential tension between Haitian music powerhouse T-Vice and popular promoter Jean Eddy Bazile. Once known for their solid partnership, several sources now suggest that their relationship may be showing signs of strain, with both sides allegedly harboring some dissatisfaction.

One source close to the situation explained, “It’s now strictly a business relationship. There’s some resentment on both sides. Bazile might feel like he’s not getting the breaks he deserves after promoting the group for so long, while T-Vice could argue they’re not receiving the same treatment they once enjoyed. For example, after a recent gig in New York, the band had to take a bus to Boston instead of being flown out, which was standard in the past.”

The source further elaborated that members of the T-Vice camp reportedly feel they’ve been mistreated for some time. Meanwhile, Bazile allegedly believes that, given his loyalty to the group over the years—through both good and bad times—he should receive a break on their performance fees.

While the tension may be brewing, both T-Vice and Jean Eddy Bazile recognize the need to keep things professional for business purposes. “They both need each other,” the source concluded, but hinted that the relationship might not last much longer if the current frustrations aren’t addressed. It remains to be seen whether this once-tight partnership can endure through 2025 or if they’ll go their separate ways after the year ends.

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