Word on the street is that Armstrong and his live-in girlfriend, Cleo Pierre, formerly of D’sire, have officially called it quits after a fiery confrontation. Sources say the drama unfolded when Armstrong rolled in late from what he claimed was a studio session. But Cleo wasn’t having it. She reportedly questioned him about his late-night escapades, and that’s when things took a sharp turn.

Insiders are claiming Armstrong allegedly flew into a violent rage, accusing Cleo of being “too nice” with male figures in the industry. (A little reverse psychology, maybe? We see you, Armstrong!) Fearing for her safety, Cleo supposedly showed him the door and asked him not to come back. Armstrong, quick on his feet, made a few calls and booked himself into a hotel until he found a new place—which he reportedly secured just this week.

But wait—there’s another side to the story! A source close to Armstrong says the events are mostly true, but there’s no violent rage on his part. According to them, Armstrong never wanted to live with Cleo in the first place. Apparently, she begged him to move in, and he reluctantly agreed. But here’s the twist: if anyone’s got a temper, it’s Cleo. The insider insists Armstrong walked out calmly while Cleo ran after him, begging him not to leave. Fed up with the drama, he decided to bounce for good.

And here’s the kicker: these two have been together for over four years! That’s practically a lifetime in artist relationships. We’ve got to give them some credit for lasting this long.

Stay tuned for more tea as this story continues to unfold!

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