Tensions appear to be brewing within the Djakout camp, as sources reveal that some of the band’s former (and possibly current) owners are not pleased with the upcoming Djakout/TVice showdown, scheduled for Thanksgiving Weekend. This highly anticipated event, which brings together two of the most popular Haitian bands, is generating buzz—but not everyone is excited about it.

According to insider sources, several individuals who were once heavily involved in the management of Djakout are upset about the event. The reasons for their displeasure are not entirely clear, but it seems to be tied to their shifting roles within the band and financial considerations.

While prominent figures like Philippe L. and Patrice M. are expected to attend, invitations extended to other former owners have reportedly been met with silence. Some speculate that their frustration may stem from no longer having the same control over the band’s affairs as they once did, or from potential changes in how profits from the event will be distributed. Unlike in the past, when revenue was shared among all stakeholders, it seems the financial arrangements may now be different.

“Trust me, they were invited,” a source close to the situation shared. “But some of the most prominent owners or former owners are miffed at the band. They’re upset because they are no longer involved in the group’s operations like they used to be, and the money isn’t going to be the same. You might see two or three owners show up, but the others won’t be there because they’re angry. Now, Pouchon and Roro are the ones really calling the shots when it comes to the band’s bookings. The final decisions are made by the band itself, not the former management like before.”

The upcoming Djakout/TVice event promises to be a highlight of the season, but behind the scenes, the rift between the band’s current leadership and its former owners could overshadow the excitement for some.

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