With former member Georgy Métellus performing on the Compas Festival stage with them in Miami, Zin has deliverer one of the best performances we’ve seen from them since the new millennium and also one of the historical acts to ever take in that festival’s 11 year history. After the impressive show, fans and critiques alike are pondering and speculating on which direction will they go from here. Will they build on the much needed momentum and include Georgy back in their team or was this just a one-time performance? Rumors abound that there is an upcoming tour with the Princess but the band’s members don’t seem to be on the same page when it comes to planning for the immediate future.

Drummer Patrick Appolon, recently gave an interview to Kompa Magazine stating that if it were up to him, Alan Cavé, Nia, Sandra and Vee would not be part of the band’s front line. It’s no secret that Alan has been busy working on his career outside of Zin and has been touring with his band Couleur Cavé which includes his father Syto , bandmate Youyou (bass) and sometimes Nia’s who, herself, has been focusing more on her solo album. An album that was expected to be released many years ago but working on it is limiting her to fewer and fewer gigs with the band, mostly those in Florida.

Recently the band added a new member Polo to help with the lead vocals when Alan is too busy with his band. The public’s reaction to Polo has been mixed at best. The promoters on the other hand are more critical of the move and some of them even stated bluntly that if Alan is not there, they will not book the band due to poor turn outs in recent gigs without their super star lead singer. It’s no secret the band’s been struggling to bring fans out in respectable numbers and management haven’t done anything about it to the point where they’ve been criticized on their managerial skills, determination and devotion.

The idea of a tour with the Princess has been widely accepted by the public but they’re still awaiting confirmation from the band. Question is: will this ever take place? If it does happen, such a tour would be beneficial to both Georgy and Zin since both of them have experienced drastic declines in popularity. Zin’s success has been steadily going down hill for almost a decade now and has been over shadowed by Alan’s solo efforts; and Georgy hasn’t been nearly as successful since she left Zin and hasn’t really been relevant since she left Hang Out.

Will Zin and the Princess let this great opportunity pass them by like the Phantoms Vs Zin tour or will they use this as an SOS to save both of their ships? Time will tell.

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