After seeing many videos of women calling in, on Kevin Samuel’s show, seeking relationship advice and how he was delivering the message to them, I had to ask why? Why do women seek advice from these unadjusted male figures? Both men’s relationship background leaves much to be desired. One’s hatred for women might have stemmed from mommy issues which he depicts in the following video interview he did with Vlad TV’s.


Reply to @rchaud03 this is my point. He’s not qualified to be giving advice.

♬ original sound – B.E. RELATIONS PUBLISHING



Reply to @youmadthensaythat Kevin Samuels on his failed marriages. #kevinsamuels #blacktiktok #relationship #love #relationshipgu#blackwomen #blm

♬ original sound – B.E. RELATIONS PUBLISHING

On the other hand you have, Derrick Jackson who cheated on his wife with several women while telling his female audience to leave their cheating significant others because they are not deserving of them. When he is caught, he sits his wife down next to him and puts her through a painful, embarrassing and disrespectful video session/show of him apologizing for his behavior while speaking in the third person. WHO DOES THAT?


Reply to @opamusicofficial #derrickjaxn #relationship #relationshipguru #wife #husband #kevinsamuels

♬ original sound – B.E. RELATIONS PUBLISHING

Kevin Samuel and Derrick Jackson are cut from the same cloth. Derrick made money bashing men and telling women that they are perfect and the men in their lives are the douchebags. On the other hand, Kevin Samuel made a name for himself by following in Derrick’s footstep with a twist… since Derrick was bashing the men; he decided he would bash the women.

As I was watching both men assess the women and their relationships, I realized how both were so disconnected with their own audience or vice versa. Kevin’s male listener/watchers are predominately average guys like minimum wage to slightly over earners, yet they feel like Kevin is their voice and their defender against these women, not realizing the men that Kevin is actually referencing doesn’t even have time to sit around watching Kevin because they are in a higher tax bracket (too busy banking). Basically, both the women and men are delusional in their expectations and Kevin is banking on their delusions.

I don’t want to go into too many details as far as their approach is concerned but I will say that they are not qualified to be giving anyone relationship advice. In fact both men can benefit from professional therapy to have a better insight of their behaviors.


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