3rd day of Gang War in Grand-Ravine Tuesday the situation was very tense in the neighborhood of Grand-Ravine, in Martissant where there is a situation of panic and fear among the residents while continues since 3 days of deadly clashes between heavily armed rival gangs, which have already claimed several lives…

These clashes began Sunday after the death of “Roro” a bandit who was trying to take command of the gang of Junior Decimus, aka “Tet kale”, one of the main gang leaders of the area, arrested last December.

According to several witnesses automatic gunfire was heard throughout the day and there would be several dead and wounded. Many residents have left the area to save their lives and the students of the Lycée of Grande Ravine and other institutions in the area remain locked up in their homes because of the danger.

Inspector Garry Desrosiers, deputy spokesman for the National Police of Haiti (PNH), said a police operation was underway Tuesday afternoon, specifying that specialized units of the police and military force of the Minustahlent a hand to the police force of Martissant, overwhelmed by the events. He confirmed that there were victims without specifying their number or whether they were members of the population or bandits. The situation remains confused and very complicated in the area.

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