This past weekend, Haitian-American singer Phyllisia Ross was honored at the Audace au Féminin conference, held as part of the Salon International de la Femme Noire (SIFN) in Montreal. SIFN, Canada’s largest black women’s conference, brought together some of the brightest and most successful black female entrepreneurs and business owners from across the country. In attendance was Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, showing the national significance of the event and its commitment to uplifting Black women.

Phyllisia Ross, deeply humbled by the recognition, expressed how honored she was to represent Audace au Féminin as their International Ambassador. The organization’s mission—to contribute to the social and economic empowerment of Black women—resonated deeply with Ross, making the partnership a perfect fit for her. As a self-managed and self-produced artist thriving in a male-dominated industry, Ross embodies resilience and leadership.

During her panel discussion, Ross shared her journey of being a female artist and business owner, highlighting the challenges of navigating the music industry independently. She found it empowering to share her story, connecting with other women over shared struggles and triumphs. Ross noted the liberating experience of empowering other women through her experiences and fostering a sense of solidarity.

The weekend was filled with powerful conversations, workshops, and exhibits featuring leaders and innovators focused on achieving success with excellence. Ross particularly cherished the opportunity to have her younger sister attend and participate in the conference, just before she heads off to college—a meaningful and personal highlight of the weekend.

Looking forward, Phyllisia Ross is excited to continue working with Audace au Féminin to further their shared mission of empowering Black women worldwide.

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