A chilling wave of grief has engulfed the Bernard family and surrounding community following the brutal deaths of 68-year-old Roosevelt Bernard and his pregnant daughter, 21-year-old Martine Bernard. The shocking double murder has led to the arrest of Martine’s husband, Cassandritz Blanc, who now faces charges for both killings.

The Discovery and Investigation

The tragic sequence began on Monday, June 11, 2018, when Roosevelt Bernard was found deceased around 8:30 a.m. His body was discovered just a few yards outside his home in the 2900 block of Washington Street, Hollywood, lying in a wooded area, with gunshot wounds. Hollywood Police Department promptly initiated an investigation into the suspicious death, which soon intertwined with a more disturbing find.

Less than 24 hours later, in the early hours of Tuesday, the body of Martine Bernard was discovered in a trash can next to a dumpster behind her apartment in Fort Lauderdale’s Flagler Village. Fort Lauderdale Police Department detectives were already on the scene to speak with Blanc when they made the grim discovery.

Arrest and Charges

Cassandritz Blanc was taken into custody at the scene as the prime suspect in his wife’s murder and is also implicated in the death of his father-in-law. “Detectives were able to take him into custody at the same time they discovered the body,” stated Casey Liening, a spokesperson for the Fort Lauderdale Police Dept. Blanc is being held without bond in the Broward County Jail, facing serious charges linked to the murders.

Family and Community Reaction

The Bernard family is reeling from the double tragedy. Joane Bernard, daughter and sister to the victims, expressed profound shock and sorrow. “I’m shaken. This is my dad who does everything in his power to take care of us. I’m shaken to the core because this is just unreal,” she told reporters, struggling with the reality of her losses.

Neighbors and community members are equally distressed. Eleanor Stern, a resident of Martine’s apartment complex, voiced her horror at the events: “It’s disgusting. I think a person like that should burn in hell.”

Looking Forward

As the community mourns, the Hollywood Police Department has vowed to continue their thorough investigation into these tragic events. A Public Information Officer will be available for further comments and updates between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

The case has drawn significant media attention and raised numerous questions about the circumstances leading up to the murders. The Bernard family, while coping with unimaginable grief, awaits justice for Roosevelt and Martine. The ongoing investigation is expected to unravel more about the motive and events leading to this devastating incident.

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