Dano Eugene, one of the most talented artists in the HMI (Haitian Music Industry) has been called by Zenglen for a third time after previously leaving the group 2 times. Zenglen, soon to release a new album “Rezilta pi Rèd”, They are trying to make sure they have all the elements to categorize Zenglen as one of the great musical groups in the HMI.

The pianist position was the last to fill. Dano Eugene and Zenglen were able to work out their differences. Two weeks ago the band let go of one of the three singers. Klemay, a young talent, was one of the two singers Brutus called to accompany the band in a few shows after Kenny and Reginald left. Even with his illegal status it didn’t stop Zenglen’s management from calling him. But with a third singer in the band, management wasted no time in letting him go.

Now with Dano in place, the Zenglen group is ready.

What’s next for Zenglen? Is this really the end of the series? We’ll have to wait and see if we get a new episode.

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