MIAMI, FL – It’s no secret. Yole Dérose, the Haitian diva with over 20 years of career under her belt, is suffering from cancer diagnosed in the bone marrow. Multiple myeloma is a disease that requires constant medical care and frequent hospitalizations. “After 4 years of treatment, it is very possible that a bone marrow transplant will be the next step. Without health insurance, the cost is exorbitant,” reads the gofundme account created by her sister Karline Ledan-Pierre.

Suffering from multiple myeloma with AL amyloidosis, a pathology characterized by an “intramedullary malignant plasma cell” proliferation, Yole Dérose needs $150,000 to cover her treatment. Thus, at the initiative of her sister, an account was created on gofundme – a crowdfunding platform – 11 days ago.

At this very moment when we write this article, eleven days after the creation of the online fundraising platform, gofundme, $9,316 has already been collected. A big step on the way to $150,000. “It’s proof that we are capable of mobilizing for a just cause. It’s also expressing our gratitude to a local artist,” says Emeline Michel, the diva with a 30-year career, reached by phone by Ticket.

A talented and generous artist, Yole Dérose, despite her illness, has always contributed and continues to contribute to the development of the Haitian artistic community. “Yole has helped many young people, especially with the Haiti, Heart of a Woman project. She has always promoted Haitian culture even if it meant spending her own money. This collection is therefore proof that her work has paid off, it is a royalty,” continues the voice of Mèsi lavi.

Yole Dérose’s life has always been about music. Like a magnet, the stage has always attracted her, even though she has been away from it for some time. At the head of a production company: “Les productions Yole Dérose”, she has given herself another task. “Les productions Yole Dérose” has treated the public to several shows of great artistic value that have of course been very successful. “Au nom de l’Atlantide” in 1999, “Femme” in May 2001, “Haïti, Tierra del Fuego” in December 2003, not to mention the concerts presented by her choir “Haïti, cœur de Femme”.

Yole Ledan, his real name, who married Ansy Dérose at the age of 20, – the most popular singer of his generation and one of the most prolific artists that Haiti has produced – was honored under the presidency of Michel Joseph Martelly. A remarkable initiative for a people like us, who do not have a tradition of paying tribute to people while they are alive.

To support Yole Dérose, this icon of Haitian music whose musical adventure began in October 1979, during the international festival of song and voice in Puerto Rico, click on “It’s time, it’s now,” says Emeline.

In addition to the gofundme open to the general public, other initiatives from the artistic sector are also underway. The amounts collected will be paid into a bank account that will be communicated by the singer’s family.

Yole Dérose is a Haitian icon and internationally recognized artist. At an early age, she started singing alongside her great husband Ansy Dérose for 20 years until he passed away.

Throughout her career, she became convinced that art is the ultimate foundation for training, educating and mending memories in her country and the world. Her successful career has led to the creation of “Les Productions Yole Dérose”. With many years of performances and productions, she became well known for her continuous and invaluable contribution to the Haitian community.

Over time, she revolutionized the Haitian arts through cultural and historical performances.

A perfectionist in theater, she is the author, creator and producer of some of the finest shows ever presented in Haiti.

As a widower, a proud mother, a grandmother, a sister and a friend to all, Yole Dérose is now facing the greatest challenge of her life: In 2014, while visiting her sister in Florida, she was rushed to the Emergency Room at Miramar Memorial Hospital because of serious health issues. After over 1 month of research, she received the devastating diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma with AL Amyloidosis, which is an immune system and a blood disorder. From that day, her life has been a roller coaster emotionally and financially.

This is a disease that requires constant medical care and frequent hospitalizations. Without any medical insurance, the cost is so exorbitant that it is no longer possible to continue the fight alone.

After close to 4 years of treatment, it is highly possible that a bone marrow transplant might be the next step. This procedure is very expensive.

Our hope is to help alleviate the enormous cost of Yole’s medical care. Please, join us in our effort to facilitate her path to recovery so she can continue with her work of helping and inspiring others.


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