With a slew of new albums capturing headlines, one might expect Nu Look to feel pressured to release their own album or at least provide an update on its progress. However, Nu Look and its leader, Arly, operate differently. Arly is currently focused on a solo project featuring Alan Cave from Zin. Given both Arly and Alan’s penchant for perfection, expectations for a swift release might be optimistic; this album could potentially take another decade to materialize. The plan for the album involves a mix of duets and solo tracks for each artist, though currently, it seems only the concept has been solidified.

As for Nu Look’s own studio album, progress is slow. So far, only one track, “Anti-Stress,” is complete. A reliable source has confirmed that work on the album is ongoing, but only preliminary steps have been taken. The delay can largely be attributed to Arly setting up a new studio in his home, which has taken precedence over the album’s immediate completion.

Brief Chat with Le Maestro, Arly;

When is the Nu Look studio album coming out?

Arly: Soon.

Soon? Are you guys going to wait for a leak to put the album out? I’m not even going to lie to you, if a leak falls on my lap, it’s going on Opa. (lol)

No! There will be no leaks, not me Arly.

Oh, yeah! Nu Look songs don’t get leaked… files just get lost in your computer?

Arly: There will be no lost files either nor any leaks i promise you that.

How come you guys are always so tight lip about releases? Can you at least tell me which album will be coming out first since you’re working on your solo and Nu Look”s album which one will be first?

Arly:n The Nu-Look album will be released first of course.

Thanks, Arly!

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