King Kino is set to replace Gazzman temporarily in Nu Look, starting with tomorrow night’s gig. However, it’s important to note that Kino was never asked to be a permanent replacement for Gazzman.

Rumors have been circulating that Kino was asked by Arly to replace Gazzman until the band fulfills its contractual obligations through May. We can confirm that while Arly did request Kino’s services, it is only for a few gigs, with the first one tomorrow night, and not as a long-term solution.

I recall being told last year by a reliable source that a specific individual would replace Gazzman if he decided to leave the band. This individual is said to have the voice, looks, and stage presence to overshadow memories of Gazzman in the band completely. The young man in question is Stanley Ferdinand of the band K9, based in Canada. For those interested, you can view his picture here on Opa.


Gazzman, on the other hand, is reportedly having a meeting tonight with a Florida-based promoter named T-Joel. The purpose of this meeting is to gather sponsors who are already lined up to support Gazzman in whatever his future endeavors may be. Further details about this meeting and its outcomes are yet to be disclosed.

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