In light of the well-documented tension between Kreyol La and Carimi, Kreyol La vocalist Ti Joe has spoken out about the current state of his relationship with the members of the rival group. While the feud between the two bands captured public attention, Ti Joe offered a more reflective take on how things stand today.

In his own words, Ti Joe said: “Looking back, I can admit that both sides said and did things that weren’t right. It’s natural to feel deeply emotional when you believe a friend or group of friends has wronged you. It was only because the issues came from friends that I became so emotional. When I see Mickael and Richard, I say hello, and they respond. But I still feel there may be some lingering anger or resentment in their hearts.”

Despite the personal history, Ti Joe emphasized a professional outlook, stating: “Business is business, and I believe both bands can perform together without any problems.”

When asked if he hopes to rebuild a friendship with the members of Carimi, Ti Joe expressed a desire for reconciliation but kept his focus on professionalism. “I think there should be a sitdown to clear the air. But after that, all I have to say is that business is business. That’s all.”

For now, it seems Ti Joe is open to resolving personal issues, but his priority remains focused on maintaining professionalism between the two prominent groups in the Haitian music industry.

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