We’ve been following for the past week with much interest the development in the press of the reporting of the presumed resignation of our esteemed musician and one of the founding members of the band Theophile Jadotte (dit THEO).

As the Public may not be aware, the band is right now changing its format to play FULL BAND and many changes occurred in the process.

We’ve been rehearsing while Theo was in the US with his family. Upon his return he started rehearsing with the band. As we all know music is about what sound feels right, there were some reshuffling and in the process it became necessary to eliminate one guitar. Theo resigned on the guitar but remained in the band. Theo found in the new structure the position that the whole band feels comfortable with which is supporting the bass.


As we are still in the process of preparing a FULL BAND for the near future and we did not feel that the time was right to put out a statement on the new formation before we were truly ready.

But in light of all this controversy we feel compelled to tell the HM press, the public in general and particularly our fans that Theo has not resigned and is still part of Kreyol La. We want to assure you that Kreyol La is working very hard to come out very soon as a FULL BAND. We make it our pledge to satisfy you in this new structure. In the weeks to come we will issue a statement with the new additions to the Kreyol La family.

We would like to take this opportunity to command the press for its outstanding work and to thank our numerous fans for their unconditional support.

Joubert Charles

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