Zenglen’s co-vocalist, Frerot, has been making waves in the Haitian Music Industry (HMI) as speculation grows about his future with the band. With ongoing rumors suggesting that he might leave Zenglen to join Tabou Combo, fans and industry insiders are eagerly awaiting his next move.

For several weeks, there has been ongoing speculation regarding Frerot’s plans. The buzz intensified when it was revealed that he recorded four songs on Tabou Combo’s upcoming album, leading many to believe that he may be preparing to make a permanent move to the iconic group.

In an interview, when asked directly about the possibility of joining Tabou Combo, Frerot was noncommittal, stating, “As of now, I am with Zenglen.” He also clarified that he has not received any formal offer from Tabou Combo to join their ranks.

This statement, however, didn’t sit well with Shoubou, Tabou Combo’s legendary vocalist. In response to Frerot’s comments, Shoubou remarked, “Tabou members are not crazy. We would not let a guest artist come and sing lead vocals on four tracks if some discussions hadn’t taken place.” This comment adds fuel to the ongoing speculation about Frerot’s potential shift to Tabou Combo.

Meanwhile, Richie, Zenglen’s maestro, has been keeping a close eye on the situation. In a recent statement, Richie said that he has spoken with Frerot and advised him to do what he feels is best for his career. Richie also emphasized that Frerot should keep one word in mind: “conscience.” This appears to be a subtle reminder that Zenglen was instrumental in bringing Frerot to the United States and helping him achieve stardom through his performances on the critically acclaimed Zenglen album “5 Etwal.”

As of now, Frerot remains with Zenglen, but uncertainty lingers. Will he continue with the band that launched his career, or will he make the leap to Tabou Combo? The saga continues, and we await Frerot’s response to further questions regarding his future in the HMI.

Stay tuned as we follow this developing story and see what decision Frerot ultimately makes.

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