Without a doubt, many Haitian promoters have made significant strides in bringing compas music to a broader audience over the years. However, some aspects still baffle me—simple things that seem to be common sense yet are often overlooked. For instance, when attending a party to see a particular band, the backdrop and LED projectors should enhance the experience, not detract from it.

One of my main concerns is the overuse of backdrops with unrelated commercials. While I’m at a party to enjoy the music, I find it off-putting to be reminded about taxes, upcoming parties, or local services. These constant advertisements take away from the atmosphere and the reason we’re all there—to enjoy the music and have a good time.

A more effective approach would be to feature content related to the band currently performing. Display their videos, graphics, and other engaging visuals that complement the live performance. This not only enhances the party atmosphere but also keeps the focus where it should be—on the music and the performers.

Don’t get me wrong; I understand the importance of commercials and advertisements. They are a necessary part of promoting events and generating revenue. However, these should be strategically placed during setup times, DJ intermissions, or breaks between band performances. Running them while the band is playing feels disrespectful and diminishes the overall experience.

It’s time for a change. Promoters need to consider the audience’s perspective and create an environment that respects both the performers and the attendees. Let’s elevate the compas music experience by ensuring that the focus remains on the music and the enjoyment of the event.

San dout, anpil pwomotè Ayisyen fè gwo pwogrè nan pote mizik konpa bay yon pi laj odyans pandan ane yo. Sepandan, gen kèk aspè ki toujou konfonn mwen—bagay senp ki sanble pou yo ta dwe bon sans men ki souvan neglije. Pa egzanp, lè mwen ale nan yon fèt pou wè yon gwoup an patikilye, fòk bèkdrop la ak pwojektè LED yo ogmante eksperyans lan, pa diminye li.

Youn nan pwoblèm prensipal mwen se itilizasyon twòp bèkdrop ak reklam ki pa gen rapò. Pandan mwen nan yon fèt pou mwen jwi mizik la, mwen jwenn li dezagreyab lè mwen ap raple sou taks, pati kap vini yo, oswa sèvis lokal. Anons sa yo kontinyèlman retire nan anbyans lan ak rezon nou tout la—pou nou jwi mizik la epi pase yon bon moman.

Yon apwòch ki pi efikas ta dwe prezante kontni ki gen rapò ak gwoup ki ap jwe a kounye a. Montre videyo yo, grafik, ak lòt vizyèl atiran ki konplete pèfòmans an dirèk. Sa pa sèlman amelyore anbyans pati a men li kenbe fokus la kote li ta dwe—sou mizik la ak atis yo.

Pa mal konprann; mwen konprann enpòtans reklam yo. Yo se yon pati nesesè nan pwomosyon evènman yo ak jenere revni. Sepandan, sa yo ta dwe plase estratejikman pandan tan aranjman yo, entèmisyon DJ yo, oswa poz ant pèfòmans gwoup yo. Pase yo pandan gwoup la ap jwe se yon mank de respè epi li diminye eksperyans lan an jeneral.

Li lè pou chanjman. Pwomotè yo bezwen konsidere pèspektiv odyans lan epi kreye yon anviwònman ki respekte tou de atis yo ak patisipan yo. Ann leve nivo eksperyans mizik konpa a pa asire ke fokus la rete sou mizik la ak plezi nan evènman an.

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