The renowned band Zenglen is currently facing internal strife that came to a head during a recent performance at SOBs nightclub in Manhattan. Reginald Cange, one of the lead vocalists, was notably absent from the event, a development that did not sit well with the band’s drummer, maestro, and producer, Richard Herard, also known as Ritchie.

In the aftermath of the performance, a band meeting was called where Ritchie expressed his dissatisfaction with Cange’s absence and proposed taking disciplinary action against him. According to sources, Reginald Cange was on vacation in Haiti and did not attend the meeting, a decision that caused further division within the group. The majority of the band members opposed Ritchie’s proposal, leading to heightened tensions and public disclosures.

As rumors circulate rapidly, speculation about the future of the band members has intensified. There are whispers of Ritchie contemplating leaving Zenglen to start his own band, potentially taking some members with him. Similar rumors surround Reginald Cange, suggesting possible splits and new formations in the near future.

In an attempt to quell the escalating rumors, another band member, Brutus, has publicly criticized the media for exacerbating the situation. He accuses the press of overstepping boundaries and fueling unnecessary drama. However, insiders close to the band suggest that the issues have been brewing for some time, pointing to deeper, unresolved conflicts within the group.

Industry insiders have also weighed in, with some pointing fingers at Ritchie as the catalyst for the ongoing turmoil. Critics argue that despite his undeniable musical talent and pivotal role in holding the band together, Ritchie’s desire for recognition might be causing friction. He is perceived by some as the common denominator in past and present conflicts with band members such as Gracia Delva and Frero, besides Reginald.

As the situation unfolds, fans and industry onlookers alike are hoping for a swift resolution. The general consensus is a desire for the band to reconcile their differences, allowing them to focus on what they do best: making great music. The coming weeks are crucial for Zenglen, as they navigate through this rocky period in hopes of maintaining their revered status in the music world.

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