Steeve Khé announced his resignation from the band, Djakout Mizik #1 after two years of service. Steeve didn’t make a clear indication as to if he would be joining another band he did however state he was available for booking meaning he’s most likely open to the idea. A couple of bands are already wide eyes and expressed interest in working with him. Read press release below as Steeve explains the cause of his departure from the band.

After having worked for 2 years at Djakout # 1, somewhat rocky, marked by its share of ups and downs, Steeve Khé has decided to officially end his service as a Singer in this popular Konpa band. Steeve’s demission follows the submission of a letter to the Management team requesting an increase in his fees per gig as well as other collateral benefits. This letter suddenly sparked a growing unease among his fellow musicians after being unexpectedly ended up in a popular blog. Steeve Khé was publicly accused by his fellow musicians as the only one to be blamed for the leak; however there was no evidence presented to support this claim. By doing so, he was left to the mercy of any speculations that could have tarnished his image in the media. Regrettably, these claims came from the same individuals who were supposed to protect him in such unfortunate situation.

Steeve was laid off for one-month as a sanction without being informed at the time of his engagement of any existing Code of Conduct at Djakout # 1. Even worse, influential musicians made offensive and inappropriate statements that fueled the fires in time of conflict instead of putting them out. As a result of those barely veiled insults and baseless accusations, Steeve Khé temporarily withdrew from the music scene to spend time with his family in Montreal. He also has taken the opportunity to consult his advisors, Agent and other influential personalities in the Konpa business before making up his own mind as to whether he would actually revive his singing career or not.

Steeve Khé would like to express sincere thanks to Djakout # 1 for giving him this great opportunity to use his singing skills to benefit the Konpa Direct. This very rewarding experience will forever be engraved in his mind. Above all, he would like to thank his worldwide fans from the bottom of his heart for their unconditional support during this troubling and difficult time as well as their sound advice for his future endeavors. Their emails, phone calls, SMS, tweets, DMs, Whatsapp messages, Facebook comments were highly appreciated and comforting.
Steeve Khé also thanks the Journalists and Radio/TV hosts for their understanding of his decision to stay away from the media and remain silent to the false allegations from some bandmates until his final decision is reached in this case. At present, Steeve Khé is working extremely hard on his upcoming solo album and, at the same time, his Agent is holding intensive talks with other popular Konpa bands to plan his next and, probably, final destination. Meanwhile, he informs event promoters and any other individuals interested to book his service that he remains available for live shows in either one-man or small band format.


Creole Version

Montréal, Canada, 19 novanm 2015.- Apre 2 lane ap chante nan Djakout # 1, nan kondisyon travay yon kout dlo cho, yon kout dlo frè, Steeve Khé pran desizyon pou l kite djaz la ofisyèlman. Desizyon sa pran akoz yon bann pale anpil poutèt li te voye yon lèt bay ekip Management gwoup la pou l mande ajoute yon ti grabday sou lajan yo peye l apre chak bal epitou ba li kèk lavantaj li panse li merite pou sèvis li. Bridsoukou, lèt la ateri sou yon blòg anpil moun vizite. Menm moman an, kèk mizisyen Djakout # 1 monte nan radyo ak sou sit wèb tonbe akize l tankou grenn moun ki voye lèt la bay responsab blòg sa a, san ankenn ladan yo paka bay yon grenn prèv pou apiye sa yo di a. Nan sans sa a, li te santi yo voye l jete nan yon kwen pou andomaje repitasyon l alòske wòl yo ta dwe pou pwoteje imaj li.

Sa pat ase. Li aprann pi devan yo pran sanksyon kont li kote yo ba l yon mwa konje san l pa touche yon Goud nasyonal alòske pat janm gen yon moun ki te janm mete l okouran Djakout # 1 gen yon kòd konduit ki pale de sanksyon. Sa k pi rèd la, mizisyen-mèt djaz monte sou sit wèb ak nan radyo yonn apre lòt ap fè deklarasyon devan dèyè pou fè ti dife volan plis sou yon dosye ki te ka regle an moun debyen.

Devan joure anba chal ak akizasyon san prèv sa yo, Steeve Khé te deside fè yon ti kanpo sou kesyon mizik epi al jwenn fanmi l nan Montreal pou l pase tan ak yo. Li te tou pwofite pale ak Konseye l, Ajan l ak lòt moun enpòtan nan mache Konpa anvan l pran desizyon enpòtan sou karyè l.

Steeve Khé vle di Djakout # 1 yon gwo mèsi pou opòtinite sa a li te ba li pou fanatik Konpa Dirèk yo dekouvri talan l epi amize yo lè l ap chante. Se yon bèl eksperyans li pap janm bliye. Li vle sitou di fanatik li yo, ki blayi toupatou sou latè, yon gwo manman mèsi. Pandan peryòd latwoublay sa a, se gras ak sipò yo li te rive kenbe fèm. Estrès ak endiyasyon te ka pote l ale si fanatik sa yo pat sipòte l. Imel, apèl, SMS, twit, DM, mesaj Whatsapp ak kòmantè yo sou Facebook te ba l gwo bourad sikolojik epi pèmèt li jwenn pawòl wololoy pou mete nan chante l.

Steeve Khé ap di tou Jounalis ak Animatè Radyo/TV mèsi dèske yo te konprann epi aksepte desizyon l te pran pou l pale nan medya nan moman dosye a te cho pou te evite mete plis chabon nan dife divizyon an. Pou kounye a, Steeve Khé ap travay san pran souf sou albòm solo l ki dwe sòti nan lane 2016. Nan menm moman an, Ajan li ap negosye ak plizyè gwo djaz Konpa ki enterese pou l vin chante pou yo. Nan jou k ap vini yo, tout moun a konnen nan ki djaz li chwazi al kontinye karyè l. Yonn grenn bagay li espere sèke li tou rete nan djaz sa a nètale. Annatandan, tout pwomotè oswa moun ki gen fèt epi ki bezwen sèvis li ka kontakte Ajan l. Li kapab jwe pou kò l sou yon sèn oswa ak yon ti gwoup mizisyen.

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