Fritz Bernard “Timitou” Frederic, a revered figure within the Haitian Music Industry, was laid to rest today at St. Charles Cemetery in Long Island, NY. Before reaching his final resting place, a heartfelt service was held at St. Theresa Catholic Church in Brooklyn.

Timitou had been contending with significant health issues for many years. His medical struggles began in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 1999 when he suffered a stroke and heart attack after a System Band party. Fortunately, a doctor attending the event provided immediate treatment at Canape-vert hospital. This medical intervention allowed Timitou to return to the states for further treatment. However, he suffered another stroke years later, which left the left side of his body paralyzed. Last year, Timitou endured yet another stroke, rendering him bedridden and ultimately leading to multiple internal infections due to physical inactivity. This resulted in the removal of his intestines and placement on life support.

Despite his health battles, Timitou expressed a strong desire to witness one last Haitian carnival, passing away shortly after the event, a poignant detail noted by his family and friends.

His viewing was held at Blare Mozzarella Funeral Home on Coney Island Ave on Friday, March 2nd, drawing a crowd that included personal acquaintances, fans, and family members. Prominent figures from the Haitian music scene such as Youyou, Romeo DeVolcy, Patrick Apollon, King Kino, Jensen, and others came to pay their respects. Notable attendees from Zin were also present, as well as musicians from System Band and Phantoms.

Following the viewing, a reception for family and friends was hosted at Pascal Restaurant on Utica Avenue in Brooklyn, from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. This was followed by an additional reception at Café Alta, hosted by Mario DeVolcy and the musicians of System Band, celebrating Timitou’s life and legacy.

Meanwhile, in Miami, several promoters and musicians organized a reception for fans to pay their respects, indicative of the widespread impact of Timitou’s musical career. This event was primarily managed by members of Nu Look, including Gazzman, Arly Lariviere, and Ti Blanc, System Band’s Miami-based promoter.

The final farewell service took place at St. Theresa Church in Brooklyn, marked by a moving performance by Michel Blaise, Timitou’s former bandmate, who sang an Evangelist song reflecting on their shared memories. This performance, accompanied by a System Band trumpet player, touched all attendees deeply, culminating in a profound communal expression of grief and remembrance.

Fritz Bernard “Timitou” Frederic leaves behind a lasting legacy in the music industry and is survived by his six children. His life and contributions have left an indelible mark on those who knew him and on the Haitian Music Industry at large.

-Cheyna Pierre
(C)Copyright 2007

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