In light of the statement Reynaldo Martino sent to the media in reference to a debt Login owe Vice2K studio, Login Management would like to take this opportunity to both thank the whole Vice2K crew and also remedy the debt situation which Reynaldo addressed in his statement. First and foremost we compliment Vice2K Studio for the excellent services provided for Login’s debut album. We never in no way denied our debt. It was a misunderstanding between a former owner of the band and its management. It was never our intention to cause financial distress.

It has been confirmed to us that a Login friend and fan has seek to remedy the situation by approaching Vice2K studio owners Saturday night while playing at the Holiday Inn in Boston, Massachusetts and presented them with a cashier’s check for the overdue amount on behalf of Login.

We would like to express our gratitude to this special friend and also take this opportunity to thank the media, the fans that listened to the album since it was released and everyone who listen to it after the Vice2K note went public. We understand that in the HMI, the saying Good news, bad news, still news generate a lot of buzz,  we never wanted to create such buzz.




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