It is with a heavy heart the owners, management, and staff of Liquid Bar and Lounge announces today of its closing due to an incident that transpired on the night of June 5th, 2014 outside of the venue. On that fateful night, an individual who was earlier escorted out of the venue by security due to him becoming very irate with another patron; later returned and fired multiple shots outside of the venue. Fortunately, no one was injured.

The owners of Liquid Bar & Lounge cooperated with the Police Department’s continuing investigation of the incident, however, charges of Disorderly Conduct, Operating without a C of O (which was pending at the time) were brought up to the venue and its owners after a news article which appeared in Newsday reported the incident happened inside of the venue.

The neighborhood residents, “Incorporate Village of Valley Stream” later pushed to expel the bar and lounge from its location as a result, on June 18th, 2014, Village Justice Judge Robert G. Bogel reached a decision and as of last Friday, June, 20th 2014 at 8 pm Liquid Bar & Lounge closed its doors and no longer will operate in Valley Stream.

A safe and secure environment is one of the top priorities at Liquid Bar & Lounge. As a safety measure; the venue had security guards, with scanners and everyone entering the premises was subject to search. For the past four years, Liquid has not had any incidents of violence.

“We at Liquid regret the recent unfortunate events and the actions the Incorporated Village of Valley Stream took against. However, we must respect their ruling and close your favorite neighborhood hangout. Our resolve is not broken by these events and we hope to have a new location for Liquid Bar and Lounge soon so we can welcome back our best and favorite patrons.” ~Co-Owner Blandine Reid stated.

The owners are actively looking for a new location to operate liquid Bar & Lounge. Further details will be released at a later date.


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