Last week on Friday, a press conference was held at Brasserie Creole in Queens, NY, to address serious allegations against three individuals accused of bootlegging DVDs and CDs from Florida for profit in New York. The event provided an opportunity for the accused to respond to the claims made against them.

Yvon from Tele Diaspo in Boston detailed the allegations: Doff Chancy was apprehended at Delta Airways with 100 copies of the movie “VIP,” 85 copies of “Tolalito,” 100 copies of “Plezi Detay,” and 6 copies of “Twoubadou Vol.1.” The merchandise was meant to be shipped via cargo, but due to stringent state laws enacted after the 9/11 incident, which require legitimate sender and receiver addresses for all cargo entering New York, Chancy was caught with the package.

He claimed he was merely delivering it for someone else and named Gary Gazo and Geronimo as involved parties. Upon learning this, Yvon immediately contacted Geronimo, who denied any connection to the package despite Yvon finding it listed under Geronimo’s name and record store address. Geronimo asserted that his real name is Geroboram Raphael, and therefore, the package wasn’t his.

During the press conference, Geronimo reiterated his denial of involvement and indicated his intention to involve legal counsel if the accusations persisted. Yvon challenged him to prove his innocence, warning that legal actions might follow if he couldn’t.

The press event took an intense turn when Yvon played a voicemail from Geronimo left after the allegations were publicized. The message, heavily edited to remove profanity, conveyed Geronimo’s anger and threats towards Yvon for damaging his reputation and business.

As the press conference concluded, Geronimo maintained his denial of the allegations but remained vague about his role in the affair. The situation remains unresolved, and it is unclear whether Yvon will pursue legal action against the accused. The community now waits to see how this controversy will unfold, affecting not just the individuals involved but potentially the broader market for media products in the area.

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