On February 20, 2025, At 7:00am in the morning, OpaMusic.com received a Cease-and-Desist letter from the law office of Cannon C. Kearney, Esq. on behalf of Mr. Stanley Jean Gilles and Jean Gilles Capital, LLC (JGC). The letter alleges that our reporting on Mr. Gilles and JGC contained false and defamatory statements. In keeping with our commitment to transparency and responsible journalism, we are sharing the substance of that letter, along with our official response.
Background on Our Reporting Read the Originally Published Article:
“Brooklyn Man Allegedly Runs Ponzi Scheme in the Haitian Music Industry, Disappears Owing Millions”
- Thorough Research & Verification
- OpaMusic.com stands by the accuracy of our initial reporting. Prior to publication, we consulted multiple sources, reviewed documentation, and interviewed individuals claiming to be affected.
- Since publishing our report, additional sources and alleged victims have come forward, further substantiating our coverage.
- No Direct Accusation of a Pyramid Scheme
- Initially, our report focused on allegations that Mr. Gilles was running a Ponzi scam, meaning he purportedly used funds from newer investors to pay returns to earlier investors rather than generating legitimate investment gains. In Mr. Kearney’s Cease-and-Desist letter, however, asserted that we described Mr. Gilles’ operations as a “pyramid scam.”Following further investigation and additional sources coming forward, we have uncovered indications that Mr. Gilles’ enterprise may indeed involve both Ponzi- and pyramid-like elements. To clarify:
- Ponzi Scheme: Typically run by one central operator who uses new investors’ contributions to pay returns to earlier investors, masking the absence of genuine underlying investments.
- Pyramid Scheme: Often involves many recruiters profiting directly from enrolling new participants, with money flowing up the chain to earlier participants (or higher-level recruiters).
Because our findings now suggest overlapping characteristics of both types of fraudulent setups, we continue to investigate the exact nature of the scheme. We emphasize that no evidence suggests Mr. Gilles’ ambassadors or influencers were knowingly involved in any illegal activity; rather, the structure itself raises questions consistent with both Ponzi and pyramid methodologies.
- Initially, our report focused on allegations that Mr. Gilles was running a Ponzi scam, meaning he purportedly used funds from newer investors to pay returns to earlier investors rather than generating legitimate investment gains. In Mr. Kearney’s Cease-and-Desist letter, however, asserted that we described Mr. Gilles’ operations as a “pyramid scam.”Following further investigation and additional sources coming forward, we have uncovered indications that Mr. Gilles’ enterprise may indeed involve both Ponzi- and pyramid-like elements. To clarify:
- Key Unanswered Concerns
- The Cease-and-Desist letter did not address several significant questions raised in our articles, including:
- Mr. Gilles’ educational background: He has publicly claimed attendance at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). We requested clarification or proof but received no response.
- Licensure or registration: We sought information on whether Mr. Gilles or JGC are properly licensed or registered, given the nature of their financial activities.
- The Cease-and-Desist letter did not address several significant questions raised in our articles, including:
- New Developments
- Since publication, at least one individual referenced in our reporting has confirmed receipt of funds and the completion of a transaction. We are monitoring these developments and remain open to hearing any verifiable facts that clarify or refute our reporting.
The Cease-and-Desist Letter (Excerpt)
Below is a brief excerpt of the letter sent by Mr. Kearney on February 20, 2025:
“…We demand that you immediately remove all such defamatory content from all platforms and cease further publication of any similar statements. Failure to comply with this demand will result in legal action, including but not limited to filing for defamation, business interference, and seeking damages…”
OpaMusic.com’s Official Response
Dear Mr. Kearney,
I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 20, 2025, regarding alleged defamatory statements in my reporting on Mr. Stanley Jean Gilles and Jean Gilles Capital, LLC (“JGC”).
- Factual Basis and Verification
All statements in our reporting were based on credible, verified sources and address matters of public concern. We take journalistic standards and accuracy seriously and stand by the factual basis for what we published. - No Defamatory Intent
Our coverage is not intended to defame or otherwise harm Mr. Gilles or JGC. We aim to inform the public about matters of legitimate interest. If you believe there are specific factual inaccuracies, please provide evidence so we may review and consider any necessary corrections or clarifications. - Legal Position and Rights
Freedom of the press and the right to publish on matters of public concern are protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. We will defend our reporting should legal action be pursued. - Open to Dialogue
Should your client wish to provide a statement or clarification for publication, we are willing to review it under our standard editorial policies. At present, based on the information available, we see no grounds for removal or retraction.
If you have further questions or additional documentation for our consideration, please feel free to contact us. We remain open to addressing any valid concerns your client may have.
Our Commitment to Transparency
- We will continue investigating and sharing new information as it becomes available.
- We reiterate our willingness to publish verified evidence or clarifications from Mr. Gilles or his representatives.
- OpaMusic.com upholds journalistic integrity, verifying all facts to the best of our ability and issuing corrections when warranted.
We believe it is our duty to keep our readers informed about matters involving consumer interests and potential financial risks. We appreciate your continued support and readership. Should you have any personal experiences or documentation related to Mr. Gilles or JGC, please feel free to contact our editorial team.
— OpaMusic.com Cheyna Pierre Editorial Staff
OpaMusic.com Resevwa Yon Lèt Sispann-Aji Soti nan Avoka Stanley Jean Gilles
Nan dat 20 fevriye 2025 a 7:00 am, OpaMusic.com resevwa yon lèt Sispann-Aji (Cease-and-Desist) ki soti nan biwo avoka Cannon C. Kearney, Esq., sou non Mr. Stanley Jean Gilles ak Jean Gilles Capital, LLC (JGC). Lèt la akize nou de piblikasyon deklarasyon fo ak difamatwa sou Mr. Gilles ak JGC. Nan angajman nou pou transparans ak jounalis responsab, nou pataje sa ki nan lèt la ansanm ak repons ofisyèl nou an.
Kontèks Rapò Nou Yo
Li atik nou te pibliye okòmansman:
“Yon Gason ki Baze nan Brooklyn Swadizan Kouri yon Konplo Ponzi nan Endistri Mizik Ayisyen an epi Disparèt ak Plizyè Milyon Dola”
Rechèch ak Verifikasyon
- OpaMusic.com kenbe pozisyon li sou presizyon rapò nou yo. Anvan nou pibliye atik la, nou te konsilte plizyè sous, revize dokiman, epi entèvyouve moun ki te di yo afekte.
- Depi nou pibliye rapò a, lòt sous ak lòt pretandi viktim yo soti an piblik, sa ki ranfòse enfòmasyon nou rapòte yo.
Nou Pa Te Akize Mr. Gilles de yon “Konplo Piramid”
Okòmansman, rapò nou an te baze sou akizasyon ke Mr. Gilles t ap opere yon konplo Ponzi, kote li swadizan te itilize lajan nouvo envestisè pou l peye ansyen envestisè yo, olye li te fè reyèlman nenpòt pwofi envestisman lejitim.
Sepandan, Mr. Kearney, nan lèt Cease-and-Desist la, te akize nou de di operasyon Mr. Gilles yo se yon “konplo piramid.”
Apre plis rechèch ak nouvo temwayaj ki parèt, nou dekouvri endikasyon ke antrepriz Mr. Gilles la ka enkli eleman ki sanble ak toude konplo Ponzi ak konplo piramid. Pou klè:
- Konplo Ponzi: Jeneralman opere pa yon sèl moun ki itilize kontribisyon nouvo envestisè pou peye ansyen envestisè yo, sa ki kache absans reyèl envestisman valab.
- Konplo Piramid: Fòk gen anpil rekritè k ap benefisye dirèkteman lè yo fè nouvo moun antre, kote lajan an monte nan chèn nan bay moun ki te la anvan yo (oswa rekritè ki pi wo nan chèn lan).
Piske nouvo dekouvèt nou yo montre karakteristik ki kwaze toude kalite fwod sa yo, nou kontinye mennen ankèt sou nati egzak sistèm lan. Nou mete aksan sou lefèt ke nou pa gen okenn prèv ki montre anbasadè oswa enfliyansè Mr. Gilles yo te konnen konplo a. Sepandan, estrikti a li menm mete kesyon ki konsistan ak metodoloji Ponzi ak piramid yo.
Kesyon Enpòtan ki Rete San Repons
Lèt Cease-and-Desist la pa reponn plizyè kesyon enpòtan nou te soulve nan atik nou yo, tankou:
- Kote Mr. Gilles te edike: Li te fè konnen piblikman li te ale MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Nou te mande prèv oswa klarifikasyon, men nou pa janm resevwa okenn repons.
- Lisans oswa Enskripsyon: Nou te chèche verifye si Mr. Gilles oswa JGC anrejistre epi gen lisans pou mennen aktivite finansye sa yo.
Dènye Devlopman yo
- Depi piblikasyon atik nou an, omwen yon moun ki te site nan rapò nou yo konfime li te resevwa lajan li e tranzaksyon an fini.
- Nou ap suiv evolisyon sitiyasyon an epi nou louvri pou resevwa nenpòt enfòmasyon ki kapab konfime oswa demanti rapò nou yo.
Echantiyon nan Lèt Cease-and-Desist Mr. Kearney te voye bay nou sou 20 fevriye 2025
“…Nou egzije pou nou retire tout kontni difamatwa sa yo sou tout platfòm epi sispann nenpòt lòt piblikasyon ki gen menm deklarasyon sa yo. Si nou pa konfòme nou ak demann sa a, n ap antreprann aksyon legal, ki gen ladan men ki pa limite ak pouswit pou difamasyon, entèferans biznis, epi nou pral chèche reyalize domaj…”
Repons Ofisyèl OpaMusic.com
Dear Mr. Kearney,
Mwen rekonèt ke mwen resevwa lèt ou an ki date 20 fevriye 2025, ki gen rapò ak akizasyon difamasyon sou rapò mwen fè sou Mr. Stanley Jean Gilles ak Jean Gilles Capital, LLC (“JGC”).
Baz Faktiyèl ak Verifikasyon
- Tout deklarasyon nan rapò nou yo baze sou sous kredib ak verifye, epi yo konsène yon sijè ki nan enterè piblik.
- Nou pran prensip jounalis serye ak presizyon trè oserye epi nou kenbe pozisyon nou sou verasite sa nou te pibliye.
Nou Pa Gen Entansyon Difame
- Objektif nou pa pou difame ni Mr. Gilles ni JGC, men pito pou enfòme piblik la sou sijè ki nan enterè lejitim.
- Si ou panse gen erè faktisyèl, nou envite ou bay prèv, epi nou dispoze revize epi konsidere nenpòt koreksyon oswa klarifikasyon ki nesesè.
Pozisyon Legal nou ak Dwa nou
- Libète laprès ak dwa pou pibliye sou sijè ki nan enterè piblik yo pwoteje anba Premye Amannman Konstitisyon Ameriken an.
- Si gen aksyon legal kont nou, n ap defann rapò nou yo nan tout kad lalwa.
Nou Louvri pou Dyalòg
- Si kliyan ou a vle bay yon deklarasyon oswa klarifikasyon pou piblikasyon, nou pare pou revize li daprè politik editoryal nou yo.
- Jiskaprezan, daprè enfòmasyon ki disponib yo, nou pa wè okenn rezon pou nou retire ni rale atik nou an.
Si ou gen plis kesyon oswa dokiman siplemantè nou ta dwe konsidere, nou ankouraje ou kontakte nou. Nou rete ouvè pou n adrese nenpòt enkyetid lejitim kliyan ou a ka genyen.
Angajman Nou pou Transparans
- Nou kontinye mennen ankèt epi pataje nouvo enfòmasyon le yo disponib.
- Nou repete disponiblite nou pou pibliye prèv verifye oswa klarifikasyon ki soti nan Mr. Gilles oswa reprezantan li yo.
- OpaMusic.com respekte entegrite jounalis, verifye tout enfòmasyon nou pataje epi fè koreksyon si sa nesesè.
Nou ap rete vijilan nan pouswit verite a epi n ap asire ke piblik la gen aksè a enfòmasyon jist epi verifye.