We’ve all heard the buzz on the latest turmoil Zenglen is facing due to Nicky’s final decision to leave the band well it’s almost official and this time around it just might stick. This is not the first time Nicky has threatened to leave Zenglen when his demands weren’t met. I guess Zenglen didn’t believe him since his previous threats never materialize to anything more than just empty threats.

From my sources, not only is he serious this time around, he has a press release prepared to go out any day now. The press release won’t be telling you any of the things I’m about to post below because of the type of person Nicky is, all you’ll be hearing is an apology to his fans for the decision he has made.


I just got off the phone with a source close to Zenglen and the source told me Nicky already gave Zenglen a departure date and it’s for March. He’s still in the band because he is waiting for the fans to get familiar with the new keyboard player so the transition can go by smoothly. The source went on to say after I asked what is it that Nicky wants that is not being delivered by the band? Read more

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