In an exclusive interview with Opa on the evening of April 25, 2004, Haitian Compas songstress Misty Jean addressed various rumors and fan questions, bringing clarity and sharing updates on her bustling career.

Earlier in the day, attempts to reach Misty were unsuccessful, but the persistent efforts paid off when she returned the call late at night, revealing the demanding schedule that keeps her at the studio until the wee hours. This dedication to her craft, while admirable, has led to some unintended consequences, including fueling rumors about her personal life.

One of the most persistent rumors Misty addressed during the call was regarding a possible pregnancy. The rumor gained traction after she had to cancel a scheduled performance at a college, citing exhaustion from her relentless touring schedule as the reason. When asked directly about the pregnancy, Misty responded with laughter, firmly denying the rumors. “No, I am not pregnant,” she affirmed, adding, “Thank God, even though a child is a blessing, I am not ready for that yet.”

Misty’s commitment to her music career is unwavering, as evidenced by the late hours she keeps. She elaborated on her current projects, noting that she had been in the studio all day working on her next album. This, she explained, was why she returned the call at midnight, underscoring the sacrifices and the hectic pace of her professional life.

The interview not only dispelled rumors but also highlighted Misty Jean’s dedication to her music and her fans. As she continues to tour and work on new material, Misty remains a beloved figure in the Compas music scene, celebrated for her talent and her transparency with her supporters.

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