The evolution of Zenglen is what I would call this night! After hearing from several people that Zenglen tore Boston in half the previous night, One of the party attendees told me it was pure pandemonium in there, I had to go witness for myself what was this uproar all about. I made plans to go see the band but first I wanted to get some feedback from the musicians themselves. I made a few phone calls and they all insist I come and see for myself. With not much to go on except “Prepare yourself to ride a motorcycle… I decided I really didn’t want a third party review.

When I got to the club, Kreyol La was on stage performing. Kreyol La may have split after their divorce from their other half but they got to keep their fan base in the settlement. That was one thing clearly displayed that night. They still have a lot of love in this area. I don’t know if it’s Tijoe’s good looks, talent or stage presence but he sure had a hold on the crowd that night. Some people were standing around looking scared not knowing what to expect at first from Zenglen but the distraction Kreyol La provided was satisfying enough… if Zenglen flopped… not all would be lost for the night.

When I got there at 1 am I got to hear them play;

Rev Exotic
Li Pa Vini
Ti Jocelyn
and their Carnival (not in that order)

Zenglen got on stage and the setup time felt like an eternity. It could have been the anticipation level rising but it couldn’t end fast enough to see what Zenglen was about to do… rather What Kenny was about to do. When they finally got on stage, I made my way to the front so I can have a clear view (and snap some photos) It was already 2:30am so I didn’t know how much songs they were going to play but I had my camera in hand and ready.

Vaval did a brief introduction on stage for Kenny and the band just cut through the chase and on went the show. The first song was Kontwol… the crowd was already at an uproar but keep in mind Kenny is a New Yorker and although New York is the toughest crowd to obtain approval from, he had the upper hand and used it to his advantage by calling people out of the crowd that he knew.

Next song Kok Gage and then Ou se– although Kenny did well, it was El Pozo who got the medal. Pozo’s guitar licks were smooth. The crowd went wild and he just kept on with the licks.

Next up was Nickenson Prudhomme with Zanmi. I was disappointed because that song should not have been the last song played but Nick seems to be getting more relaxed and animated on stage. He is no longer that shy Keyboard player in Zenglen anymore.

The show closed with Happy 50 Konpa and that was all she wrote.

Overall, I had a great time. Kenny did great, fully animated which he had no choice considering this was a 911 call. I do see Kenny having a lot of potential in Zenglen. He didn’t even get a chance to rehearse with the band and yet still managed to pull it off. However, Zenglen still needs a next front man, if they don’t plan on giving Nicky more performance time. Kenny is over animated and Zenglen needs a singer that can bring the people home after Kenny finish shaking the hell out of them. By the way, there was no actual motorcycle rather a dance move Kenny did during the last song.

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