Following the altercation at Saturday’s festival, Konpa Kreyol has issued a formal statement through their manager, Fabiola Dupoux Leger, addressing the details of the event and its significance.

In her statement, Fabiola explained that the situation between Konpa Kreyol and Konpa Factory escalated during the festival. She noted that the band had been the target of several incidents and that it was not just a simple misunderstanding.

“This is a significant matter—more important than anything we’ve faced before, and we’re taking it very seriously,” Fabiola said. She further revealed that they had been informed of possible threats awaiting the band in Haiti, which heightened the concern.

Fabiola continued, “There were four incidents between us at the event, and Sonson even spat on me. Kaliko, unfortunately, was caught in the middle due to his good nature and thinking that everyone operates under normal circumstances.”

The group is currently consulting with their legal team to assess the situation and determine their next steps. Fabiola emphasized that once they have a clear course of action, the public will be informed, with the board being the first to receive the details.

Konpa Kreyol’s management assures their fans and supporters that they are addressing the situation thoroughly and will provide further updates soon.

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