After the altercation involving members of Konpa Kreyol and security personnel at Saturday’s festival, the group addressed the incident during their after-party with TVice.

One source who attended the after-party reported that the members of Konpa Kreyol were still discussing the previous day’s fight. Despite the physical confrontation, the group managed to perform on stage, showing resilience and dedication to their fans.

Ti Joe, one of the vocalists, remarked on the incident, saying, “Even though we were beaten at the show, we still managed to get back on stage and perform because of the fans.”

Meanwhile, David Dupoux, whose head was injured during the altercation, took a humorous approach to the situation, referring to himself as the “Specialiste nan Cassez Tèt”, a playful nod to their popular song “Geng Geng Geng.” He added, “If it’s about a head injury, I’m ready to come back and play at the festival anytime.”

Despite the tense situation, the group maintained their spirits and showed appreciation for their fans, making sure the show went on despite the challenges they faced.

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