Haitian music star Kino was left frustrated after all his elaborate preparations for the Haitian Compas Festival were for nothing, as he didn’t end up performing. The King of unforgettable stage shows had grand plans, including flying in on a helicopter and a van full of dancers to give the audience a performance they would never forget. According to Kino, he had even secured special permission from the mayor to make the entrance spectacular. Unfortunately, none of that came to fruition.

Fans who have been following Kino’s career will remember his iconic performance at SOBs in New York, where he had a big-screen TV broadcasting the event outside for those who couldn’t get in. This latest performance was supposed to top that one with even bigger production, and the setback certainly put a damper on his mood.

But don’t count the King out just yet! Kino is set to redeem himself at the New York Festival on May 30th, where he’ll have another chance to showcase his talents and blow fans away.

For more on what happened at the Compas Festival, click here for the full review.

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