In an exclusive interview, Top Vice vocalist Freddy addressed the ongoing controversy within the band, shedding light on the internal tensions that have surfaced in recent days. With 18 years invested in the group, Freddy opened up about his frustrations, the introduction of a new singer, and his plans for the future of Top Vice.

A Clash Over a New Singer

Freddy began by expressing his dissatisfaction with recent decisions made within the band, particularly the addition of a new singer without his knowledge.

“They want a new singer,” Freddy said. “If they wanted to put a new singer in, all they had to do was talk to me. They could have asked for my opinion. Tabou Combo spoke to Shoubou when they had Frerot sing on their upcoming CD, and he agreed.”

Freddy’s frustration stems from hearing about the situation second-hand. “I was driving and heard on the radio that I was no longer with Top Vice. Some producer said it. I had to tell people calling me that it wasn’t true.”

Tensions with Robert Martino

Freddy also discussed his strained relationship with Robert Martino, a musician he helped bring back into the band. According to Freddy, the upcoming CD has been a source of tension.

“The Top Vice CD should have been out since last year. Robert felt humiliated when it didn’t come out, so he quit. I asked Charlot to go talk to Robert, but he never did. Now I find out that Robert knew about the new singer all along and never said a word to me.”

Charlot’s Defense and Freddy’s Response

In a previous interview, Charlot claimed that Freddy’s absence from the studio was the reason he was unaware of the new singer. Freddy disputed this explanation.

“That’s not true,” Freddy said firmly. “They want to use that as an excuse. Yes, I haven’t been in the studio much, but that shouldn’t stop them from reaching out to me if they had something important to say. It never stopped them before.”

Legal Action on the Horizon?

Freddy hinted at taking legal action if the new Top Vice CD includes a singer who was not part of the original agreement.

“I am going to take this the legal route. I’m the President of the Corporation, and I pay the taxes for the company every year. If the record comes out under the name Top Vice, and if there’s another voice singing lead besides myself, Charlot, Robert, or Nicky, I will sue Charlot, Robert Martino, and anyone else involved. My position is irrevocable.”

His frustration reached a boiling point as he addressed Charlot’s role in the current situation. “Charlot thinks he can get away with this. Enough is enough. You are trying to take food away from my child to give to somebody else.”

Freddy continued, “I’m in control. I’ve blocked the Top Vice website—it’s down right now. This is part of a plot organized by Charlot. He wants to create Nu Vice. If they want to play hardball, they’ll get it. I’m steady, and I’m ready.”

The Future of Top Vice

As the dispute escalates, the future of Top Vice hangs in the balance. Freddy made it clear that he’s prepared to fight for his role in the band, and his next steps could have major implications for the group’s upcoming projects.

Freddy also hinted at further details regarding former band member Ralph Conde’s departure from Top Vice, allegedly due to Charlot. More on that will be revealed in the coming days.

Stay tuned for further updates as this situation continues to unfold.

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