Yesterday morning began with an urgent call from a source close to the Trio-promoters’ camp—Foe, Richard, Glasses—advising me to arrive early at SOBs to capture the night’s anticipated drama. The event took a serious turn when Papa Jube, reacting to a concerning early evening phone call, contacted Larry Gold, the owner of SOBs, to request additional security for the evening.

For the first time at an SOBs event, guests were searched at the door, and the musicians’ VIP room was strictly monitored, accessible only to those with a badge, a noticeable change from the typically relaxed access of past events.

The tension escalated around 1:00 AM when I stepped outside to assist someone having difficulty entering due to the crowded venue. It was then I encountered a member of the Trio promoters, who bluntly stated, “Moses, I ain’t come here to play tonight.” It was clear the evening was set for intense interactions.

Inside, the atmosphere thickened when Carimi’s Mickael declined to announce a party from the stage, adhering to his manager Fito’s directions despite pressure from the Trio promoters. This refusal led to a heated confrontation downstairs, away from the crowd. Fito found himself surrounded and pressured by the Trio, with Mickael, following closely, vocalized his concern over the safety of his manager and urged Fito not to proceed downstairs.

Despite efforts to defuse the situation, tensions boiled over. The event spiraled as Mickael and several others intervened to escort Fito back upstairs to continue the performance. In the backstage areas and SOBs’ office, negotiations became heated, involving key figures such as Foe, Country, and Richard Urbain, with discussions centering around the promoters’ demands for public acknowledgment of their event.

The negotiations broke down amidst threats and shouting, highlighting the underlying tensions between the promotional groups. The incident culminated with Carimi finishing their set amidst a backdrop of unresolved disputes and heightened emotions.

This incident at SOBs not only underscores the complex dynamics within the music promotion industry but also the critical role of security in managing potentially volatile situations. The evening ended without resolution, leaving questions about future collaborations and the impact of such tensions on the music scene.

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