Harmonik released the successful album Degaje last year, which included four hit songs: Cheri Benyen M, Incroyable, Pap Negosyew, and Simplicité. Having an album with multiple hits is an impressive feat in today’s industry, and Degaje elevated Harmonik to top-tier status within Haitian music. This success helped the band overcome the struggles following their previous album Diferan, which had seen legal battles, promoter blackballing, and a general lack of motivation. Rodney Noel’s return as general manager brought structure, marketing genius, and leadership, helping Harmonik regain momentum.

However, despite this progress, the band still faces challenges, particularly in their live performances, which, though improved, need more fine-tuning. The central issue appears to be a power struggle within the band. Not every member fully understands their strengths and weaknesses, which affects their overall cohesion.

First Issue: When Harmonik started, Nickenson was the main star due to his strong background. Now, with Mac D and Sanders gaining recognition, it’s time for them to be more at the forefront, while Nickenson steps back a bit.

Second Issue: Non-singers in the band shouldn’t take on lead vocals for potential hit songs. While it might sound good in the studio, it doesn’t always translate to live performances. Everyone should focus on their respective roles, letting Mac D take the lead as the primary vocalist. Sander and Nickenson can still contribute to other tracks but should avoid leading on potential hit songs to ensure stronger live performances.

With these small adjustments, Harmonik can continue to rise within the music industry. Hopefully, these points are taken as constructive feedback delivered with the best intentions.

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