Harmonik and its management would like to take the opportunity to address the present situation regarding the alleged contract for the band to perform in Paris this month. We find it imperative to address this issue only because we value our reputation for conducting business that benefits those who support it the most…the public. In addition, we feel the responsibility to provide accurate information as we establish ourselves in the HMI in a manner that promotes longevity and credibility in the industry.

We first stand to correct the Paris-based promoter, Fanfan, on several issues. He is accurate in that negotiations for Harmonik to perform in Paris this month initiated during the first week of December, 2008. The verbal agreement stated that the band would participate in a promotional tour with the objective being to feature the band in Europe. Mr. Fanfan is also correct in that there was a Western Union wire transaction sent for two thousand dollars in October 2008.

Perhaps Mr. Fanfan should be reminded that transaction occurred prior to initiating negotiations for the band to perform. I will take it upon myself to remind him that the transfer sent via Western Union was for the purchase for Harmonik CD’s where there is a shipping receipt to support the acqusition of such merchandise. Mr. Fanfan should also be reminded that the initial negotiations for the performance stated that the band would be featured alongside Mass Compas. This verbal agreement was binding until:

He decided to change the line-up without adequately notifying us that Mass Compas was no longer in the line-up because the costs exceeded his budget.

He did not produce a contract, nor a deposit for the said performance. In the best interest of the band, management was obligated to weigh the existing factors as to whether the band would travel thousands of miles to have their first performance in a critical market under such circumstances. In addition, the band also had two performers that would require additional arrangements to ensure the accurate representation of the band in the manner intended. It is my sole responsibility to assure that the musicians are compensated for their time adequately once they are en route to perform. This is a chance I could not take as a sound business decision.

Mr. Fanfan was advised several times, well in advance, that our participation would not be possible and we even went further to propose other dates that would be feasible for us to work with him in good faith.
Our greatest regret is to the fans in Paris that anticipated our performance. We would like to assure them that Harmonik will perform in Paris, as well as other places in Europe in the near future.

As for Mr. Fanfan and his pending lawsuit, I encourage him to do what he feels is best for his business. I would also caution him that there is substantial grounds for counteraction in terms of him not being able to produce a contract, a deposit for the date, as well as using the name of the business that many have worked extremely hard to establish, only to have its reputation questioned so early in its career.

I hope this information has been helpful to those needing clarification. We would also like to extend our special thanks to so many individuals who stand to support Harmonik on our Thursday night program. We move forward assuring you that Harmionik will continue to press ahead while making new strides in the HMI.

H. Rodney Noel

Executive Producer/Manager

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