Last week Opa published a press release we received from Nu Look’s lead singer/co-owner Gasman Pierre regarding his status in the band. For weeks; we were hearing rumors that the band to owners were at odds with each other and even a potential split was rumored. Supposedly, Gazzman was to form his own band. Finally, Gazzman release a vague statement addressing his status in the business side of the band and admitting they was a problem.

Gazzman: I want to be clear about one thing “I AM Nu Look”
Nu Look is my business and I have every intention to protect it. I must say, I have been grateful by the outpouring support from many in the community who want to see the band succeed. I am aware that a humble letter is far from enough to confirm that all matters have been settled, however, I feel that it was more than appropriate.
This past weekend the band was in Canada playing to a large crowd and they seem to had made up according to these pictures.

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