Statement from Oliver Duret. I know for a few months I’ve come across as being confused and indecisive as to which band I wanted to be in far as T-Vice and Dat7 were concerned. Truth is, I really did struggle with the decision on many levels. First and foremost, I’m a family man; I always want to be a good role model for my son and to be able to provide for my family. Second, I believe regardless whether you’re in a business or personal relationship there are two main ingredients that make a relationship fruitful; respected and loyalty and without those two ingredients, one may have a hard time establishing happiness in that relationship.

It’s no secret I wasn’t happy with T-Vice. Taking into consideration these guys gave me an opportunity that I will forever be grateful for and the fans that welcomed me and support me to this day; one may see why one would find the decision to leave T-Vice to be a difficult one. When Dat7 called upon me to participate I must admit, I was happy yet reluctant because I didn’t know how the fans would take it. Ti-Eddy, Ti-Tanbou and I have always had a great and respectful relationship during our time in T-Vice. They’ve proven their loyalty to me as well.

So after gaining much clarity that came from many places: my family’s support, the support of some of the most influential Haitian music industry personalities and of course my fans; I felt it was time for me to make a decision that I’m content with and that’s to be an official member of Dat7 effective immediately.

I’m very confident if given the chance Dat7 will be one of the greatest bands the industry has to offer. Since my departure from T-Vice I’ve been working diligently with the guys to give you something new and different to gravitate to. The band and I will be making our debut really soon. I ask for your support and I promise we will not disappoint. I wish you guys a happy and safe holidays. Thank you!

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