Last night at Bicentennial Park, the festival kicked off around 6:00 PM, drawing in a sizable crowd by 10:00 PM. The setup included a VIP section to the left of the stage and a designated area for the press and musicians behind the stage, facilitating easy access for interviews and photo opportunities.

The event started smoothly with media members initially given four minutes to capture stage performances. However, complications soon arose due to miscommunication among stage managers, security, and organizers about media access. The situation was further complicated by an unauthorized individual, who managed to acquire a staff T-shirt and disrupt the established rules. Despite promises that media could resume taking pictures once the rain cleared, this did not materialize. One organizer apologized, noting the disruption caused by the impostor.

On the performance front, the night featured an array of artists. D’sire 3, a Florida-based all-female group, overcame initial skepticism to win over the crowd with their second song. Back up, newly signed to Rhythm and Harmony Records, performed songs from their debut album “Haiti K Sou K,” engaging well with the audience.

Veteran group Skah Shah delivered a strong performance, living up to expectations. Unfortunately, I missed Belo’s performance, but backstage reports confirmed that T-Vice electrified the audience, complete with their signature “helicopter” move. They were joined on stage by Black Alex, whose appearance significantly lifted the crowd’s energy. Feedback indicated that Nu Look and Zin also performed well, although I was unable to personally witness their sets due to restricted access.

Overall, the festival was vibrant and well-received by attendees, despite the logistical challenges faced by the press. The musical performances shone through, ensuring that the spirit of the festival remained high among the general crowd. More photographs and details of the event will be shared soon, providing a fuller picture of the night’s festivities and the dynamic performances that defined it.

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