At last night’s T-vice and Carimi party at Club Amazura, a fight broke-out during T-Vice’s set. Prior to that everything was going well although i arrived at the club at 12:10am and Carimi was still doing sound-check. The party didn’t start until 12:30am. Carimi kick it off with, Are you Ready, and continued on with, Bamn Pemisyon, Pouvwa, kidnapping. Micheal was very animated and got the crowd hype on the dance floor.

At the end of their performance, to many people’s surprise, a Rara band came out in the crowd, started playing and people went wild. People were throwing their drinks in the air, cups were flying, people jumping off stage just to join them. I crowd almost knock me down with my camera. Even Michael and some of the members of Carimi join in, it was a nice ending on Carimi part.

After the Rara, T-vice was setting up for their set. T-vice did not start playing until 2:30am. They started with 4las, Ayiti Pap Kraze, Kitem viv, Checke Fan’m Paw although the crowd was obviously having a good time, the sound wasn’t up to par. You could clearly hear some static especially when they played Ayiti Pap kraze.I don’t know what happened prior causing the next chain of events but at some point, as I was taking pictures I noticed Ti-eddy getting into a heated argument with one of the guys from Brothers’ Production who are affiliates of Carimi.

One of the members sucker-punched Ti-eddy from behind on stage. Several people tried to calm the situation including Carimi’s manager, Fito, Roberto and many others. Standing there confused I asked someone on the stage what was the reason for all this and I was told it was because Brother claims that Carimi’s speakers on the left side stage were not working and that the sound was low. So they felt that T-vice should not have played at all. The men were so furious that they unplugged Tvice’s cords and moved some equipment from the stage, including a camera from a promoter.

Finally, security came on stage and told everyone to get off if they were not performing, they removed the guys that were fighting for the club before the police arrived. At some point, there were more than 40 people on the stage and they served no purpose whatsoever. They were just standing there looking on. T-Vice stated on the mic that they don’t come to NY to fight they come to play and what happened is pure BS.

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