In the aftermath of the unsettling incident at Amazura involving bands Carimi and T-Vice, T-Vice has taken significant measures to ensure their safety during future engagements in New York. The band has aligned with two prominent New York promoters, known as Glasses and Foe, to provide the necessary protection and oversight for their activities in the area.

Glasses, a familiar figure in the T-Vice circle, has been instrumental in promoting several of T-Vice’s events, including their recent appearance at the Labor Day Carnival in Brooklyn. Foe, the former owner of the popular Cenegal Nightclub, previously known as “Le Rendez Vous” in Brooklyn, will also be managing bookings for T-Vice in New York.

This strategic partnership aims to prevent any recurrence of the violence witnessed a few weeks ago at a Carimi versus T-Vice party in Queens, where a member of T-Vice was reportedly assaulted by individuals from Carimi’s entourage. The altercation necessitated T-Vice to be escorted by security to their vehicles post-performance.

With Carimi’s followers primarily based in Queens and T-Vice’s new allies rooted in Brooklyn, there is potential concern about a territorial dispute reminiscent of the early ’90s. However, it is hoped that both camps will prioritize the interests of their fans and collaborate to reaffirm New York’s status as a central hub for Konpa music, steering clear of any conflicts that could further tarnish the local music scene.

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